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Rimi Yang

Rimi Yang's paintings, mostly figurative, but with a playful approach to abstraction, reveal an intuitive, contrast-rich take on Eastern and Western art history.  It is as though they are struggling to make sense of dualities which simultaneously inspire and confuse us in their attempts to structure the world.  Pleasantly suspended between familiar polarities like east-west, male-female, high-low and old-new, the viewer can't help but be moved by the artist's apparent search for meaning.

Click here to view her art at Blue Rain Gallery.


Quiet Joy Clipboard


Ride in Sunset Clipboard


Spring of Love Clipboard


Happy Balloon Spiral Notebook


Happy Balloon Laptop Sleeve


Spring of Love Laptop Sleeve


Maze of Love Laptop Sleeve


Yellow Laptop Sleeve


Yellow 2 Spiral Notebook


Yellow 1 Spiral Notebook


Spring Of Love Spiral Notebook


Ride In Sunset Spiral Notebook

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