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Double Time Dance Studio

Double Time Dance Studio started in Taos NM in 1998 and in 2006 moved to Albuquerque. 

The studio was founded by owner, John Henry and was built from a love to dance and wanting to spread the joy of dance. We specialize in all genres of partner dancing and what they call "club style" which is the current style that is danced in a social setting in clubs and other venues. 

Owner and operator, John Henry has been teaching partner dancing for over 30 years. His passion and love for partner dancing is infectious. We teach group and private lessons as well as choreography for weddings or other functions. Our studio is designed to get you on the dance floor and learn good dance habits and great technique in DOUBLE TIME!

Double Time Candle


Tango Dancers Candle


Double Time Tote Bag

From $20.00

Tango Dancers Tote Bag

From $20.00
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